Empower Your Narrative

Your life is a story in which you shape the journey. But are you on the right path for you?



You know something in your life needs to change. You just need help to discover what that really is and how to get there. I can help. Your first decades were profoundly shaped by others’ expectations. You’ve tried to fulfill them and it hasn’t worked. So discover what you actually want!

Being content with yourself

Feeling purposeful

Eliminating self-limiting beliefs

I’m a certified life coach with a background in psychotherapy

I offer a comprehensive and integrative approach to personal development, addressing your complex needs and challenges. I am dedicated to supporting you on your healing journey towards growth and self-discovery, providing a safe and empowering space for positive transformation.

Hello, My Name is anna raymond

I am a personal coach with a diverse life experience. I have lived in 5 different countries such as the UK, USA and now reside in Switzerland.

My global perspective enriches my coaching practice, drawing from my experiences in different cultural contexts. I have a BA in economy and psychology, as well as many psychotherapy approaches. These therapeutic approaches enhance my coaching practice to support you on your journey.

MY psychology expertise

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a powerful therapy technique that aids individuals in processing and overcoming traumatic experiences, anxiety, phobias, and PTSD, fostering emotional healing and resilience.

Body-oriented therapy focuses on the mind-body connection for holistic healing. This approach integrates techniques like breathwork, movement, and mindfulness to help clients release tension, trauma, and negative patterns.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) equips me with tools to help clients reprogram their thinking patterns and behaviors for personal growth and transformation. NLP explores the link between language, behavior, and thought processes, empowering individuals to make positive changes in mindset, communication, and relationships.

Studying Jungian psychoanalysis has provided me with a deep understanding of the unconscious mind, archetypes, and symbolic imagery. By delving into the psyche’s inner depths, you can gain insight into you true self, uncover hidden motivations, and integrate conscious and unconscious aspects for self-awareness and personal fulfillment.


Your narrative is the story of where you came from, what you have come through and where you are going. You own it so you can shape it.

In my coaching practice, I offer a comprehensive and integrative approach to personal development, addressing your complex needs and challenges. I am dedicated to supporting you on your healing journey towards growth and self-discovery, providing a safe and empowering space for positive transformation.

Outside of coaching, I am passionate about art, drawing, chess, yoga, and dancing. These hobbies allow me to express creativity, engage in strategic thinking, and maintain a healthy mind-body connection. I believe incorporating these passions enriches my coaching approach and enables me to connect with you on a deeper level.


Success stories


You are the one you’ve been waiting for. Your past got you here. Now you can choose what happens next.